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  • Writer's pictureLori VanderBilt

Experimenting in Coaching and Life

This past month, my husband and I went on an 8-day trail building trip through WTA (Washington Trails Association, an impressive organization). Before we went, I was a little scared. I had never built trails before, nor had I gone on an 8-day backpacking trip. I worried about whether I'd be strong enough to wield those heavy tools.

I ask my clients to try experiments all the time, so in the spirit of not taking clients into territory I haven't explored, I decided to approach this trip with an attitude of curiosity and learning.

It worked! I went from a total novice trail-builder to someone with experience. I had a great crew leader and other members of the team who taught us how to use tools safely, offered helpful stretches for those sore muscles, and gave plenty of kudos for what we got done.

Check out the before and after photo of the trail I worked on. It's a pretty amazing transformation.

All my best to you for whatever you are experimenting with.

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